
mercredi 25 février 2015

Google is going to pay hackers 'infinity million' dollars to find security holes in Google Chrome (GOOG)

larry page not bad (1)

Google has announced that it is expanding its "Pwnium" program, which lets security researchers uncover flaws in Google Chrome and report them for money.

The Pwnium program used to be held once a year, and was a chance for hackers to hand in bugs they had found in Google Chrome. Why would a hacker do that? Google paid out money as a reward.

Bug rewards start at $500 for a flaw, and depending on the severity, can go up to $50,000.

Now, Google has overhauled the way Pwnium works. Google writes on its official blog that instead of happening once a year, it's now a constant process, and researchers can submit bugs any day of the year.

Google has also upped the total pool of money it's going to give out — to what it calls "infinity million." Google says it "crunched the numbers" and came up with a limitless amount of money it's going to pay out.

There are some people who aren't eligible to report bugs as part of the Pwnium program, though. Any residents of sanctioned countries like Iran, Cuba, Syria, Sudan and North Korea aren't allowed to hand in security holes they find in Google Chrome.

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