
lundi 7 septembre 2015

UX design meets creative technologies at #PUSH15


Next October 23rd and 24th in Munich (Germany) push.conference will bring together digital professionals merging the established UX/ UI scene with the potential and skill-set of a new generation of creative coders and technologists.

Organised by a group of designers, the conference is run driven by a passion for having an active role in the creative community. Since four years they’ve been carefully curating the most relevant topics and speakers to share practical experiences and inspire with visions and examples of what’s next in the interactive field.

The conference is limited to 450 guests, and tickets sell fast.  Our readers can have a 15% discount on the regular ticket using the following code: PushArduino15 (it lasts till 21st of September).

Confirmed Speakers for 2015 are:

Josh Clark / UX Strategy Designer and author @ Big Medium
Simone Rebaudengo / Speculative Interaction Designer @ Frog
Dustin Senos / former Head of Design @ Medium
Pamela Pavliscak / UX Researcher @ Change Sciences
Anders Toxboe / Founder @
Benjamin Wiederkehr / Director @ Interactive Things
Heather Daggett / Senior Experience Design Prototyper @ Intuit
Pasquale d’Silva / Founder, Creative Director @ Keezy
Paul Skinner / Creative Director @ Tellart
Audree Lapierre / Information Visualisation Expert @ FFunction
Felix van de Sand / Director Design Strategy @ COBE
Sandra Heinzen / Art Director Online @
Nicole Weber / UX-Designer @ Ableton
Caroline Goulard / Generative Designer @ Dataveyes


Get inspired by a sneak peek of the topics:

Truly multi-platform

Great user experiences don’t only happen on the web or in apps. Users live in a world that gets richer day by day where they face different devices, operating systems, wearables, online services, interactive terminals and media installations. They don’t look at your product in an isolated way—and you shouldn’t either when designing it. At push.conference you will meet designers and developers of outstanding digital products on all platforms.

The Internet of Things is finally happening

While we amuse ourselves laughing about the connected fridge, IoT has arrived everywhere around us. The idea of omnipresent connected devices is stronger than ever before and hitting the product lines of startups like Nest as well as those of established players like Apple, Bosch and Siemens. Simone Rebaudengo, speculative interaction designer at frog, and mobile platform expert and author Josh Clark, share with you where this is heading and how we must prepare our products to be ready to succeed in the global networked ecosystem of tomorrow.

Psychology enables even more personal interactions

User research is a great basis to define requirements and directions for services and interfaces. Turning insights into the actual features in an interface is however not always so simple. That’s when understanding how emotions and psychology influence our users comes into play. Experience researcher Pamela Pavliscak and founder of Anders Toxboe will share their strategies when it comes to harnessing the power of happiness and persuasive UI patterns to create emotional reponses, help make decisions and guide our users.

Process shapes product

With iterative design and lean mindsets, prototyping has become an essential skill in our design process. Heather Daggett, Sr. experience design prototyper at Intuit, will cover when and with which fidelity prototypes inspire or help make decisions, and give advice to designers that face the decision how much of their energy to invest into technology skills.

Rich experiences

As important as a good concept is, it is the actual pixels on a screen that users will see and interact with. Making complex information accessible with interactive visualisations is the expertise of Audrée Lapierre of Montreal based studio FFunction. Dustin Senos, former Head of Design at will explain how delightful details and a contextual interface make for a great experience beyond reading content on the web. Finally, we live and design in an age where dynamic use of space inspires interaction design from Google’s Material Design to the first ripples of virtual reality. Preparing for this, motion designer Pasquale d’Silva will propose to us a new approach for structuring multidimensional interfaces.


from Arduino Blog

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