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mercredi 16 mai 2018

The Top 10 Largest Species of Carnivores (Meat-eaters) in the World

Of the 273 species in the mammalian order Carnivora, or meat-eaters, many (including its largest representatives on land, the bears) are in fact omnivorous (animals that eat both meat and plants), and around 40 species specialize in eating fish or insects. As this Top 10 would otherwise consist exclusively of seals and related marine carnivores, only three representatives have been included in order to enable the terrestrial heavyweight division to make an appearance. The polar bear is probably the tallest land carnivore if shoulder height (when the animal is on all fours) is taken into account: it tops an awesome 1.60 m/5 ft 3 in, compared with the 1.20 m/4 ft of its nearest rival, the grizzly hear. The common

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