ABC's new show "Selfie" premiered earlier this week. It's about a woman named Eliza Dooley (it's supposed to sound like My Fair Lady's Eliza Doolittle), who needs a personality makeover. The show makes light of people who are obsessed with their phones and social media.
Dooley is "Instafamous" with 263,000 Instagram followers — but then something humiliating happens and she realizes she doesn't actually have any friends. That's when she asks her colleague, Henry, for help becoming a better person.
Here's what happened during the series premiere of ABC's "Selfie."
"Selfie's" main character is Eliza Dooley. Dooley grew up being "most Butt" in high school. Butt, as in ugly. So she modeled herself after the most popular girl in her school and grew up to be beautiful but vapid.
Dooley boasts that she has 263,000 Instagram followers, making her "Instafamous," which she thinks makes her complete. That, paired with the fact that she's her pharmaceutical company's best sales representative.
But while on a flight with all her co-workers, something mortifying happens to Eliza.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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