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jeudi 20 août 2015

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Have you ever been to a beach and thought it had a nice golden yellow colour to it? Well, you might want to think about spreading your travel wings a little more and visiting, and walking on these ten much more unusual coloured beaches…

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches


Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Yellow Coloured Beach

10 – Yellow

It might look like something from photoshop, but this is Papohaki, Hawaii and it has the yellowest sands you will ever see in your life. Now that is what I call picture perfect.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Grey Coloured Beach

9 – Grey

While the colour grey is not one of my first “must see” beach colours it is nether the less very unusual. Located on the Caribbean island Montserrat its a mix of pure white and black volcanic rock.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Orange Coloured Beach

8 –Orange

While it could be said that a lot of beaches have an orange sort of colour this one located in Porto Ferro, Sardinia is definitely right up there on the orange colour chart.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Brown Coloured Beach

7 – Brown

Located in Pacifica, California it might not have that beautiful colour people were hoping for, but it is said to be called the Chocolate beach by a lot of people. Yummy!

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Purple Coloured Beach

6 – Purple

Located in California, USA it gets its purple colour from manganese garnet deposits which are constantly falling down from the eroding hillsides.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

White Coloured Beach

5 – White

Located in New South Wales, Australia it holds a Guinness Record for having the whitest sand in the world! In fact, in the summer it is as pure white as snow! Just avoid the yellow sand.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Red Coloured Beach

4 – Red

Located in the Rabida, Galapagos it is red because the sand is made from iron-rich lava. It also has a saltwater lagoon inhabited by flamingos and a bachelor sea lion colony.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Pink Coloured Beach

3 – Pink

Located in Harbour Island, Bahamas is this 3-mile beach full of pretty pink sand! The colour is formed by loose chunks of coral broken down in the ocean and then being washed ashore.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Green Coloured Beach

2 – Green

Located in Kourou, French Guiana this is the world’s only green sand beach and is mostly made from a mineral called olivine, which is formed by lava as it cools when it hits the cold sea.

Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches

Black Coloured Beach

1 – Black

Located in Cahuita, Costa Rica it is one of only 2 pure blue water, with black sand beaches in the world. Needless to say it is mostly made up from volcanic rock.

The post Top 10 Amazing & Unusual Coloured Beaches appeared first on The top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!.

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